drainage|drainages in English


[drain·age || 'dreɪnɪdʒ]

emptying of liquid, channeling; sewage, waste wate

Use "drainage|drainages" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drainage|drainages" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drainage|drainages", or refer to the context using the word "drainage|drainages" in the English Dictionary.

1. Gazetteer South America: Coastal drainages of eastern and southern Brazil and Uruguay.

2. Access covers and frames, manhole covers and frames, drainage gratings, drainage channels and drainage pipes

3. Hoplias Aimara occurs in the drainages of Rio Tocantins, Rio Xingu, Rio Tapaj6s, Rio Jari, and Rio Trombetas, in coastal drainages of the Guyanas, Suriname, and state of Amapa, Brazil

4. The boundary between drainage Basins is a drainage divide: all the precipitation on opposite sides of a drainage divide will flow into different drainage Basins.

5. Adjustable drainage valve

6. Biliary drainage catheters

7. Blueheads are also found at Snake River above Shoshone Falls and Bear/Weber River drainages

8. Lowlands, particularly level to gently sloping plains associated with major drainages, alluvial deposits along the shorelines on islands of major rivers, and sheltered mesic depressions along valley slopes; shorelines and islands of small and large drainages.

9. Adjustable activity drainage box

10. Egypt - National Drainage Programme

11. Rental of drainage pumps

12. An Autogenetic drainage system, i.e

13. Objective To establish a pig model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with jejunum drainage and portal venous drainage.


15. Drains and underground drainage systems

16. This is a drainage area.

17. Minimisation of drainage on peat soils

18. Targa in Berber means "(drainage) channel".

19. The rubble would make good drainage.

20. Normally, this drainage functions smoothly.

21. Keep the drainage channel clear.

22. For post drainage systems most mines construct drainage galleries above the longwall block drilled in advance of mining.

23. Just a hole for drainage pipes.

24. Drainage Basins of the World’s Longest Rivers

25. Insect resistant apparatus for sash drainage hole